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Masteron is a derivative of DHT (as you can tell from its chemical name: 2a-methyl-dihydro-testosterone propionate), but what they fail to tell you is that DHT and its derivatives are commonly used in treatment of certain forms of breast cancer (see the etymology here: MASTectomy, gynocoMASTia, MASTeron, get it?). Masteron is not clinically used for weight gain, so this makes it a very unique steroid from that perspective. Unfortunately, much of the information on Masteron available in medica ...

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Razor 200

Razor 200 $ 85.00 USD

Razor 200 is a combination of the best esters for definition in one vial.

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TESTO BASE 50 $ 55.00 USD

Testobase The drug boasts the highest anabolic and androgenic activity, completely identical to endogenous testosterone (both – 100% of testosterone), as well as a swift, albeit not the longest action (the maximum peak of testosterone is reached in the shortest time, the full action of the described drug lasts about 24 hours After application). Ethyl oleate based

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