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Primobolan Tabs is an oral anabolic steroid comprised of the active steroidal hormone Methenolone.

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PRIMOPLEX-100 $ 75.00 USD

Primoplex-100 for intramuscular injection, contains methenolone enanthale Methenolone Enanthale is a DHT based anabolic steroid. Known under the brand name of PRimoplex in tablet or injectable form.

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TESTOPLEX - E300 $ 55.00 USD

its very nature Testosterone-Enanthate greatly increases nitrogen retention in the muscles, imperative to muscle tissue growth and regeneration by which increased nitrogen enhances protein synthesis; an imperative process as protein is the building block of muscle tissue. Further, as an anabolic androgenic steroid Testosterone-Enanthate staves off muscle wasting hormones that promote fat gain and muscle loss and enables us to increase our active metabolic rate. Moreover, as equally important ...

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TITAN $ 85.00 USD

Is a Blend trembolone drostandrolone y testoterone

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TVR 350

TVR 350 $ 55.00 USD

Testoviron 350 is a blend of two different products, namely testosterone with the propionate ester attached, and testosterone with the Enanthate ester attached. Confusingly, XT LABS , who produces this product, also has a pure testosterone Enanthate product of the same name. Testosterone is usually attached to an ester.

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